L.A. is braced for dangerous winds
Đăng ngày 14-01-2025
Danh mục: Environment
Hình ảnh:

A forecast of rising winds yesterday threatened the progress that firefighters had made to contain the destructive wildfires in Los Angeles. At least 24 people were reported to have died, and at least 16 people were missing in the areas of two of the blazes. Follow our live coverage here.
A rare fire danger alert was put in place through tomorrow, the same warning that was issued last week when strong winds stoked some of the deadliest fires in California’s history. Fire crews were being deployed to at-risk areas in anticipation of the winds, which may not be as powerful as last week’s. Still, the gusts’ duration could pose a problem.
An investigation into what started the fires was underway, with officials looking into nearby power lines as a possible cause, but arson has not been ruled out.
There were some signs of a return to normalcy. Some local schools reopened after campuses across the city were closed last week, and the production of some television shows resumed.
Disparities: As local and state fire crews struggled against the flames in entire neighborhoods, private firefighters hired by wealthy residents for thousands of dollars a day kept watch on individual homes.
1. Braced for dangerous winds
• Nghĩa: Chuẩn bị sẵn sàng đối phó với gió nguy hiểm.
2. Destructive wildfires
• Nghĩa: Cháy rừng tàn phá.
3. Forecast
• Nghĩa: Dự báo.
4. Contain the destructive wildfires
• Nghĩa: Kiểm soát các đám cháy rừng tàn phá.
5. At-risk areas
• Nghĩa: Khu vực có nguy cơ.
6. Gusts’ duration
• Nghĩa: Thời gian kéo dài của những cơn gió giật.
7. Arson
• Nghĩa: Phóng hỏa.
8. Return to normalcy
• Nghĩa: Quay trở lại trạng thái bình thường.
9. Disparities
• Nghĩa: Sự chênh lệch.
10. Private firefighters
• Nghĩa: Lính cứu hỏa tư nhân.