Collocation family
Đăng ngày 26-12-2024
Danh mục: Environment
Your parents and siblings (brothers and sisters) are your immediate family – and your extended family includes all your relatives – uncles, cousins, great-aunts, etc.
You can use a family tree to diagram the relationships among your family members. A person who is related to you by a long series of connections can be called a distant relative.
If you’re lucky, you have a loving family or a close-knit family – these expressions refer to a family that has good relationships, where everyone loves each other and helps each other. If you were raised in a loving family, then you probably had a carefree childhood – that means you had nothing to worry about when you were young.
On the other hand, a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy can be called a dysfunctional family. If the children experience abuse, poverty, or problems with the law, we can say they had a troubled childhood.
Perhaps the parents went through a bitter divorce – that means a separation in which there were bad/angry feelings between the husband and wife. It’s also possible to have a messy divorce, with a prolonged legal battle involving lots of conflicts about the separation of the former couple’s assets (money and possessions). The decisions about the separation of assets are made in the divorce settlement. A family in which there are divorces or separations is sometimes called a broken home.
Sometimes the mother and father fight over custody of the children – that refers to who has the primary responsibility of caring for the kids. A judge can grant joint custody – that means the ex-husband and ex-wife share the responsibility – or sole custody to only one parent. For example, a judge might award sole custody to the mother, and the father has to pay child support – regular payments to help with expenses for the kids.
If it was a mutual divorce/separation – that means the ex-husband and ex-wife agreed to separate without fighting – then they will probably stay on good terms with each other (meaning to have a polite relationship without conflicts).
If a woman gets pregnant without being married or in a relationship, then she will become a single mother. Some women in this situation choose to have an abortion, and others prefer to give the baby up for adoption. The time when the baby is planned to arrive is called the due date – you can also say the baby is due in mid-October, for example.
After the woman has the baby (or gives birth to the baby), the baby is given to the adoptive parents, who will raise the child or bring up the child as if it was their own. Sometimes, when the adopted child is older, he or she tries to find their birth mother (biological mother).
1. Immediate family / Extended family
Immediate family: Refers to your closest family members, such as parents and siblings.
- Gia đình ruột thịt: Bao gồm những thành viên gần gũi nhất trong gia đình, như bố mẹ và anh chị em ruột.
Extended family: Includes more distant relatives like uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents.
- Gia đình mở rộng: Bao gồm các họ hàng xa hơn như chú, bác, dì, cậu, anh chị em họ, và ông bà.
2. Loving family / Close-knit family
Loving family: A family with good relationships where members care for and support each other.
- Gia đình yêu thương: Gia đình có mối quan hệ tốt đẹp, mọi người quan tâm và hỗ trợ lẫn nhau.
Close-knit family: A family with strong bonds, often spending a lot of time together and helping each other.
- Gia đình gắn bó: Gia đình có mối liên kết chặt chẽ, thường xuyên dành thời gian bên nhau và giúp đỡ nhau.
3. Carefree childhood / Troubled childhood
Carefree childhood: A childhood without stress, worries, or major problems.
- Tuổi thơ êm đềm: Một tuổi thơ không có áp lực, lo lắng, hoặc vấn đề lớn.
Troubled childhood: A childhood marked by difficulties such as abuse, poverty, or family issues.
- Tuổi thơ bất hạnh: Một tuổi thơ gặp nhiều khó khăn, như bạo hành, nghèo đói, hoặc các vấn đề gia đình.
4. Dysfunctional family
- Refers to a family with unhealthy relationships, often involving conflict, neglect, or abuse.
- Gia đình không hạnh phúc: Gia đình có mối quan hệ không lành mạnh, thường xảy ra mâu thuẫn, bỏ bê, hoặc bạo lực.
5. Bitter divorce / Messy divorce
Bitter divorce: A separation involving strong negative feelings or resentment.
- Ly hôn cay đắng: Cuộc chia ly có nhiều cảm xúc tiêu cực hoặc oán hận.
Messy divorce: A complicated divorce with legal battles over assets or custody.
- Ly hôn rắc rối: Cuộc chia tay phức tạp với những tranh cãi pháp lý về tài sản hoặc quyền nuôi con.
6. Divorce settlement
- The legal arrangement dividing money, property, and responsibilities after a divorce.
- Thỏa thuận ly hôn: Sắp xếp pháp lý về việc phân chia tài sản, tiền bạc và trách nhiệm sau khi ly hôn.
7. Broken home
- Describes a family affected by divorce or separation.
- Gia đình tan vỡ: Gia đình bị ảnh hưởng bởi ly hôn hoặc chia tay.
8. Custody of the children / Joint custody / Sole custody
Custody of the children: Refers to who has the legal responsibility to care for the children.
- Quyền nuôi con: Ai có trách nhiệm pháp lý để chăm sóc con cái.
Joint custody: Both parents share the responsibility.
- Quyền nuôi con chung: Cả hai cha mẹ cùng chia sẻ trách nhiệm.
Sole custody: Only one parent has custody.
- Quyền nuôi con riêng: Chỉ một người có quyền nuôi con.
9. Child support
- Payments made by a non-custodial parent to help cover the costs of raising the children.
- Tiền trợ cấp nuôi con: Khoản tiền mà người không trực tiếp nuôi con trả để hỗ trợ chi phí nuôi dưỡng.
10. Mutual divorce/separation
- A divorce or separation agreed upon by both parties without conflict.
- Ly hôn đồng thuận: Sự chia tay được cả hai bên đồng ý mà không có xung đột.
11. Stay on good terms
- To maintain a polite or friendly relationship even after separation or divorce.
- Giữ mối quan hệ tốt: Vẫn giữ mối quan hệ lịch sự hoặc thân thiện ngay cả sau khi chia tay.
12. Single mother
- A woman raising a child alone, without a partner.
- Mẹ đơn thân: Người phụ nữ nuôi con một mình, không có bạn đời.
13. Give the baby up for adoption
- To legally transfer parental rights to another family.
- Cho con nuôi: Chuyển quyền làm cha mẹ cho một gia đình khác một cách hợp pháp.